Activities and Subgroups

The Club manages various model portfolios in each group, except for the reading group, which is dedicated to discussing

classic books in the investment literature.

Participation in each of the subgroups is open to all members of the Club. They select and participate in the one(s) which

correspond(s) the best to their objectives and interests.

The STOCK PICKERS’ group (SPG) is for members who are interested in investing in individual companies. The SPG portfolio consists of stocks selected by the members of the group after review of their fundamentals. The SPG meets once a month in a conference room. Carolina is the current manager of the SPG.


The ASSET ALLOCATION group (AAG) is designed to determine, at any point in time, what is the best allocation of resources among the various asset classes (stocks, fixed income, cash). The asset class selection of the group is materialized in the AAG portfolio. The AAG meets every other month. Francesco is the current manager of the AAG.


The TECHNICALS & TRENDS group (TT) is our newest group, and bases its approach on the recognition of signals and patterns. It was created to respond to a popular demand (as it was often requested by members in the past). Since “fundamentals” are mostly addressed by the SP, this group will focus on “technicals”, adopting a bit more of a “trader” mindset. The group is managed by Lili.


The READING GROUP (RG) provides its members with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with and to reflect upon together on the best ideas which have been expressed regarding the art of investing. The RG meets every other month, alternating with the AAG. Andres is the current manager of the RG.